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Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)


At Listerdale Junior Academy, RSHE is taught throughout school using the Sheffield Primary Relationship, Sex and Health Education Curriculum. This curriculum encompasses many aspects of the Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) curriculum as well as contributing to the knowledge that enables our pupils to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships and to build their self-efficacy. Each RSHE lesson is planned to promote discussion so our children are equipped with a deep and nuanced understanding of the topics covered. The foundation of our RSHE curriculum is to celebrate diversity, promote inclusion and develop mutual respect. Children are encouraged to ask questions during their lessons, in order that they will become adults, who are well rounded citizens who feel empowered to make their own decisions about interpersonal relationships, morality, health and wellbeing.

In Foundations@Listerdale, our children, learn about RSHE topics primarily through the ‘Understanding The World’ and ‘Personal, Social & Emotional Development’ strands of the EYFS curriculum. This provides a foundation for learning which can be built on as they progress through the school. Throughout these vital early years, our children learn to say how they are feeling; start conversations with friends; express and discuss their opinion; build constructive relationships; consider other people’s opinions, resolve conflicts in the right way and much more.

In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 learning is based around the following 3 strands:

RSHE is taught in specific lessons each week but is also engrained in the wider curriculum and discussions that arise each day. Each unit covered throughout the year explores various topics within these strands. Units are mapped out and sequentially re-visited in each year group, so prior learning is built on and deepened through covering topics that are age appropriate. In addition to this, we have ensured that visitors come into school to deliver key messages through assemblies. They tackle issues relevant to our pupils and local matters, such as water and building site safety. RSHE topics are also interlinked with the Science and P.E curriculum.

Our childrens' mental-health and wellbeing is imperative to us, therefore, as well as being part our RSHE curriculum it is also celebrated and promoted in a number of ways. These include whole school events such as Children’s Mental Health Week.

Through our broad and balanced RSHE curriculum, our children will become confident, ambitious, critical thinkers, that are prepared to thrive and grow in the diverse world we live in.

The effect of successful RSHE teaching and learning is shown through our children’s ability to question, discuss and think deeply about the topics covered in their lessons. We continually assess the implementation and impact of our RHSE curriculum through the sharing of our RSHE class books which include pupil voice that has been offered throughout the discussions in our sessions. Various activities are also coherently planned to provide appropriate challenge to all learners.


Supporting documents

Please click your child’s year group to view the units, objectives and key vocabulary they will be learning about and what term they will be covering this in.