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RE at Listerdale


RE at Listerdale is based on a questioning approach that allows children to consider a variety of religious views and form their own opinions by developing their understanding of spiritual, social, cultural and moral development. We believe that the children at Listerdale should be open minded and accepting of other peoples faith and backgrounds. RE is an integral part of the education of the children at Listerdale and the children engage in high quality lessons on a regular basis building on their knowledge of different religious practices. RE contributes to pupils personal development, well being and community cohesion by promoting mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society. It offers opportunity for personal refection and spiritual development, deepening the understanding of the significance of religion in the lives of others - individually, communally and cross-cultural.



* Children in the EYFS are taught RE through the Understanding of the World section of the Foundation Stage curriculum. They are given the opportunities to share celebrations of a variety of religions and they learn about families that are both similar and different to their own. Children discuss things that belong to different religions and they explore objects linked to religious festivals.

* Children at Listerdale follow the RE Today curriculum which is tailored for the children to learn skills and knowledge which are progressively developed to increase their understanding of different faiths and life questions.

* High quality lessons are taught regularly to give the children the opportunity to learn about religions that are practiced within their country and the wider world. Children are also taught to deepen their understanding and tolerance of other peoples faith.

* Children are taught lessons which are well sequenced and build on knowledge gained and prior knowledge retained from previous studies.

* Children will be assessed to ensure that they have gained knowledge in the various religions that they have been studying.

* Children are given the opportunities to relate their learning of religion to their own personal experiences and knowledge.

* Children are taught about religious celebrations and cultural traditions and given the opportunity to celebrate them in school.

* Faith leaders are invited in to school to share with the children aspects of their faith to help the children to develop their understanding of personal experiences.



Following an approach to RE that encourages children to discover people’s religious and non religious views of the world teaches our children to be respectful and tolerant of the people who live around them. Children at Listerdale will develop their social, moral and cultural understanding through their study of RE. They will be prepared to live together with their neighbours in a multicultural society. Through the schools approach to RE and high quality lessons the children will discover the facts about different religions and ways of living, they will begin to develop their own views and have empathy and understanding for those of others. Lessons will encourage the children to consider big questions about the meaning of life, right and wrong, what it means to be human and God. Children at Listerdale will move on to their next step in education having a secure knowledge of what it means to have a faith or belief.