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At Listerdale Junior Academy we aim to enable all KS2 pupils to experience learning and using a modern foreign language in a way that is enjoyable and fun. Our Spanish curriculum stimulates and encourages children’s curiosity about language, broadens their cultural awareness (including exposure to authentic songs and literary texts) and develops the self-esteem of pupils through experiencing success in learning a new language.


All KS2 classes receive 30 minutes of foreign language teaching each week, beginning in Y3 with an introduction to Spanish phonics and basic grammar through a range of contexts and topics. They learn that language has structure, and that the structure differs from one language to another, but that languages also have links between each other. Over the course of four years, the children develop the four foreign language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing.


KS2 pupils are taught to know and understand how to:

  • listen attentively to spoken language and show understanding by joining in and responding
  • explore patterns and sounds of language through songs and stories
  • link the spelling, sound and meaning of words
  • engage in conversations by asking and answering questions
  • express opinions and respond to those of others
  • speak and write in sentences using familiar vocabulary, phrases and basic language structures

Our curriculum plan regularly revisits key vocabulary to ensure retrieval of the most important knowledge needed for embarking on KS3 study and has curriculum links such as South America for Y4. Children learn not only a variety of nouns in Spanish, but also simple, high-frequency verbs and connectives so that they can independently manipulate language to form their own sentences. Developing pupils’ confidence in these skills means that they are well-prepared for the transition to studying a foreign language in Y7 and beyond.


Click here to download the KS2 2023-2024 Spanish long term plan